The Author

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Sir Terran Lloyd,
The Blue Hat Blacksmith. 

Born to farmers in Westfall, Terran lived a quiet life in the decade leading up to the first war. Initially raised to be a farmer, his life path was forever altered with the discovery of a natural Arcane Prodigy -- Terran's best friend.

Trained alongside his friend, Terran slowly took to Arcane Magic. The practice proved to be his savior as the first war encroached.  The young friends were taken by their mentor, at the behest of their parents, to Dalaran to escape the conflict.

Terran's time in Dalaran was formative, to say the least. He quickly took to the long hours of study, and longer hours of grunt labor. He opted to specialize in Transmutation magic, a varied field with ample uses, and ample room to study.

He was able to carve out a normal life for sometime, growing and learning his way into adulthood. Unfortunately, Terran was not destined to venture into adulthood peacefully; the Third War loomed over him like a thunderstorm. With it's destructive sweep across Lordearon, Terran was lucky to merely lose his newfound home, his mentor, his friends, and everything he had known for the second time in his short life. 

His lessons in Transmutation became pivotal in new life within a destroyed Dalaran. As survivors slowly began to come together in their ruined homes, Terran took up the hammer. Through the combined fields of classical blacksmithing, Dalaranian architecture, and Transmutation Terran became an Arcanesmith.

The Arcanesmith's practice was largely focused on infrastructure, working to rebuild what he had lost, what all of Dalaran had lost. The efforts were long, and often unforgiving. Rarely was there enough material to go around, and rarer still the manpower to get the job done. Terran learned to be self sufficient in this time and forged trade connections that would last a lifetime. 

As Dalaran rebuilt within its bubble, Azeroth did not remain stagnant. Adventurers came and went, wiping out hoards of enemies and legions of demons across Azeroth and the nether-damned Draenor. 

With the invasion of Outlands, came the need for weapons; stronger weapons, more durable weapons, armor capable of withstanding the full force of a demon's onslaught. 

Terran's skill with weapons and armor grew swiftly to match the demand, claiming proper status as a weapon and armor smith by the Northrend Campaign. It would be during the very same campaign he formally joined the Kirin Tor as a proper Magus.

As the Northrend Campaign began in earnest, Terran began to garner a name for himself. A capable and affordable young smith working out of the already highly trafficked Dalaran. It was a pristine crossing of opportunity and time. Terran's craft elevated several times over, forming the backbone of his practice today. Weapons became enchantments, became enchanted weapons, armor, and ammunition. Finally he was privileged to work on the ancestral bow of a Noble Quel'dorei; this proved to be his first encounter with the House Songheart.

Time lulled ever forward, Terran's development shifting back towards his magical studies with the defeat of the Lich King. Throughout the cataclysm up until the fourth war Terran remained hard at work, studying and learning in the Arcane Arts. 

His studies shifted from merely Transmutation magic to encompass Abjuration and preventative Chronomancy. A defensive and rigid mindset geared towards protecting himself and those he cherished. 

His development advanced with every passing year, ultimately pushing Terran to the rank of Senior Magi, a respected and capable Magus. Though Terran still had a long journey ahead of him to the proper title of Archmage, he was proud.

With a new title to his name, and an accomplished history at his back, Terran felt prepared to return to his true home: Stormwind. The Fourth War was well underway, Terran felt the call to offer his homeland whatever support he could. As he returned home he slowly settled on joining Stormwind's Guard protecting his home, by protecting his home.

Terran served under the Fifteenth Defense Brigade: Constabulary Company throughout the duration of the Fourth War and beyond. It was during his tenure that he steadily rose through the ranks through his merit. His time at Dalaran had prepared him for numerous aspects of protecting civilians and managing a large unit of soldiers. His skill in administrative duties gained the attention of Knight-Captain Alexandria Morrowgrove, his commanding officer. Their friendship sparked with time as did their capacity as leaders of the Defense Brigade. 

As time progressed their unit became more and more effective, building a clear reputation among Stormwind for their capability and amicability. Aided by a sweeping and continuous vigilance against corruption and a veritable boon of budgeted funds from Stormwind. With the Defense Brigade both well received, and highly effective, Terran opted to begin his next project ... The Kingdom Market.

Organized by the Defense Brigade, the Kingdom Market was Terran's first foray into modernized commerce.

Though the Kingdom Market was not the only advancement in Terran's life at this time. Selected for his skills with blacksmithing, Terran found himself partially under the employ of a quirky Half-Elf named Kiersa. Their bond became complicated as Kiersa became a tenant of Terran's estate. One accident fed into another as their romance slowly began to bloom.

Kiersa's own background in Artificing naturally flowed into Terran's practice with Blacksmithing. She became is partner, both in life and in business. Kiersa's quirks gradually became endeared constants in Terran's life. Each partner pushed each other to their limits and truly fell in love with one another. Between his advancing romance and his career within the Defense Brigade, Terran's life became saturated with and comfort he hadn't felt in decades, truly he had found home and he found family. Terran took advantage of this comfort, slowly allowing himself to loosen up. Though Terran would remain a disciplined and oft cold man, he allowed himself to be more open, with his fiance and with others.

As Stormwind began to settle under Turalyon's guidance, the 15th Defense Brigade faced an insurmountable threat, budget cuts. Funding was stripped, re-allocated to alternative, cheaper, and significantly less competent, guard units. Rendered in-active, Terran retreated to his estate, managing matters that had been left unattended for far too long. 

Eastcrest Estate, once the home of an irresponsible and temperamental Quel'dorei mage-noble, featured extensive damage to both the estate and land. Buildings left unattended, farmland poorly rotated and decimated by the Scourge Invasion, ley-energies twisted beyond recognition. Terran spent the better part of a year working to rebuild the estate piece by piece, starting with the farmland and necessary corrections to the ley-lines, at great expense. 

After months of hard work, Terran was afforded enough lee-way to refocus on his business and leisure time within Stormwind. He set upon the quill, working to pen yet another entry into his collection of Arcane Tomes.